
Investment Agents for Long Term Return



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The Singularity Group (TSG) is a Switzerland-based global investment advisor, partner of Nasdaq and FactSet, that seeks to make exponential innovation accessible to public and private equity investors. 

To achieve the investment aims, the Group created the Nasdaq Singularity Index (Bloomberg ticker: NQ2045) and offers public investors the Singularity Fund, a global, long-only, all-sector and all-cap equity fund that tracks the Nasdaq Singularity Index, with a quality filter. 

The Nasdaq Singularity Index™ (NSI) is the flagship of the Group. The NSI is a global equity index that captures true economic exposure to exponential innovation. To isolate and invest for exponential innovation, the Group has defined a new classification system for equities with which conventional sector and country classification is subordinate to an investment philosophy that any company can be an innovation company, regardless of size, sector, and geography.  Value creation and revenue generation assigned to innovation at the equity level are identified by exposure to twelve selected technologies, including but not limited to 3D Printing, Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Bioinformatics.

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Dr. Hengster, Loesch & Kollegen GmbH is acting in the context of investment brokerage and investment advice in financial instruments pursuant to Section 2 (2) No. 3 and No. 4 of the German Securities Institutions Act ("WpIG") as a contractually tied agent pursuant to Section 3 (2) WpIG exclusively for the account and under the liability of AHP Capital Management GmbH, Weissfrauenstrasse 12-16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, ("AHP").